From time to time, I’m able to contribute my thoughts and opinions to various sources. Here you’ll find a collection of those ideas.
As always, I hope they provide some insight into my vision for the Canadian Medical Association and the heath care system at large.
Feel free to comment and let me know how you feel!
Updated October 15, 2012. My thoughts on Wait times and delays in the Canadian Health Care system. Find the Link here!
Updated October 21, 2012. I’ve uploaded a submission I made to the Youth Leaving Care hearings. I’ve been recognized for my work with children and youth leaving care, but it’s also important to be heard when you have something to say! You’ll find my submission here!
Updated October 27, 2012. I’ve added my submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding the costs and benefits of funding the HPV vaccine. It was an important step in transforming health care in Canada and I am proud to be a part of a positive change. You’ll find the whole document as a PDF right here!